Rather than not even try, like I usually do, I've been attempting to act like an artist lately. My friend's mom is an art teacher, so I asked her if she could help me learn how to watercolor paint. So, I went to her house one day, we set up a little still life for me to paint, and I tried my best. And, in my opinion, I failed.
See, there's a picture of it. It wouldn't all fit in my scanner, so some of it's cut off, and it's all shadow-y. I suppose it's not horrible, really, but there have been far better first tries.
Today, I tried to create something again.
There are two big "fads" circulating the internet. The first is melted crayon art. Basically, you glue a bunch of crayons (usually Crayola, usually in rainbow order) to a canvas, hit them with a hairdryer, and they melt into this beautiful mess of color.
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So that's super-creative and cool of people.
The other thing that's gotten popular is the concept of a "2013 Jar." It's this neat idea where you write something good that happens every day, put it in a jar, and then read them at the end of the year. I think it sounds like a great, somewhat cheesy idea. I'll probably quit around March.
But, being the over-complicated person I am, I decided to combine these two amazing ideas. And the outcome was decidedly less than amazing.
It looks like a Michael's store puked on a jar. But, it's too late now, and I'll have this jar for the rest of 2013 as a reminder that not all good ideas are meant to be.
After creating my masterpiece/nightmare, I found a how-to on melted crayon art. I should've looked it up before I undertook this adventure.
That jar....is very unattractive. BUT A FOR EFFORT! I've done that, but I aligned the crayons into a shape and then blow dried it out, so that there was a heart on the page, with the was going away from it. It was pretty bad, though.